Curious Children – The Benefits Of Technology {Contest Too}

If your children are anything like mine, they ask over a million (sometimes more) questions a day and on average expect some sort of realistic explanation to things you have never heard of. Am I right? Google has changed my life, or so to say… Seems we can never get through a show or a simple task without me turning to my trusted friend for advice. As you may already know, Google DOES have all the answers! From simple dinner ideas, to Halloween costumes to those tired and tested questions…

Take The Stress Out Of Party Planning With This Netflix Hack

Welcome to the year 2017 where parents go over and beyond to keep their littles happy and content but doing whatever it takes to put a smile on their tiny faces. Welcome to a time whereby happiness is measured in items, and monetary gifts that in the end get tossed in a corner. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy making my own little people happy, but birthdays in our home have been simplified for the simple reason that my own kids do not look at the effort we put into…

Strawberry Peach Mini Galette Recipe

Yes, I must admit that back to school means a little bit of mom-petition on my part. I love challenging myself to creative lunch and snack time ideas when it comes to the children’s lunches. Seems I always make tradtitional mini apple pies for their snacks, but this year I decided to make something a little more colourful and a lot more fun to look at. These mini-galettes are too adorable and freeze really well for those snacks that need little or no effort to put together. I keep a…

Back To School With Staples!

A few more days and the kids are back to school (already) and it seems like there is never enough time to finish their lengthy list of demands before it happens. Since I am a one stop shop kinda girl, I always try to find the best bang for my buck while lessening the travel time because to be quite frank, my kids suck in the car! Staples is just that- a place to full fill all of your back to school needs, product lists, and still leave time for…

My Husbands Art of Persuasion Actually Worked On Me – Or So He Thinks

Binge watching in this house is almost always done alone. My kids stream their favourites and sometimes they match mine so we sit and watch occasionally on a Friday night, but my husband almost never watches with us. Our schedules and busy lifestyle never seem to correspond with one another so we each watch on our own devices and even have our Netflix accounts dedicated for ourselves. Hubby watches late night in bed on his tablet or phone, while I watch on the ipad once the kids are asleep folding…

Prepping For Back To School With A Permanent Impact

    Everyone that knows me also knows that I hate back to school, I miss my kids way too much to get excited about the whole thing and my anxiety almost always takes over this time of year. I like to find ways to communicate with them and remind my boys that I am with them even when I am not because the truth is, it makes a mama feel better – selfish I know but it gets me through those long school days. You name it, I have…

Sticking to Bedtime Routines During Summer Break

Yes, I am THAT Parent. The parent who puts their children to bed on time (most nights) even during the summer months. In our household the Summer doesn’t mean a free ticket to stay up late and do whatever you want whenever you want, it simply means better weather, more fun and more time spent with family. The only way I have found to keep the best of spirits when it comes to our children is by sticking to a solid sleep routine. Don’t get me wrong, I do admire…

2 Ingredient Peanut Butter Play-dough!

I’ve been making this playdough recipe for my kids ever since I can remember and it was always a hit when they were tiny. I mean, who doesn’t love playing with their food right? Yes, this should be reserved as a treat and for special days like today – it’s super rainy outside so I thought I would re-introduce it to them. Let me tell you, it is STILL a huge winner – even in a home with a 10 and 8 year old! Ingredients:  Peanut Butter (smooth works best)…

Interactive Fun With Netflix!

School’s out for the summer and that means entertainment for parents around the clock! If your kids are anything like mine, they will need constant stimulation from the moment they wake up until the minute their tiny eyes shut- bring on 2 months of helicopter parenting and exhaustion. Can’t complain though, I look forward to it all year, as I can imagine you do too. Our favourite things to do are all outdoor activities however, the reality of it is that some days are just not sunny enough to spend…

Celebrity Mom Moments We Can All Relate To!

This mother’s day all I want is to relate to those beautiful people walking the malls, strolling with their kids to the park and those perfect women that we see in the spotlight. I’ve always imagined that their lives would be somewhat just as annoying, chaotic and busy as mine so I searched the internet to find these relate-able moments from some really awesome and real life moments – brought to you by the celebs themselves!  ——————————————————————————————– “You know how once you have kids you never ever pee by yourself again?…