Back To School With Staples!

A few more days and the kids are back to school (already) and it seems like there is never enough time to finish their lengthy list of demands before it happens. Since I am a one stop shop kinda girl, I always try to find the best bang for my buck while lessening the travel time because to be quite frank, my kids suck in the car! Staples is just that- a place to full fill all of your back to school needs, product lists, and still leave time for…

Staples Little Artist Toy Bundle #LilGiftList

If you have a little (or big) artist on your hands, you will love this gift pack courtesy of Staples Canada! Includes everything needed to create beautiful masterpieces, put on a performance and books that will make coloring for hours exciting with every glide of the pencil! The Crayola Air Marker Sprayer is on Holiday Gift Lists everywhere and I am sure it will be on most children’s Christmas lists too – a power tool of creativity with endless possibilities to make beautiful things. Just plug it in, pop in…

What’s Wrong With This Generation?

**Warning: If you are under the age of 30, you may not be able to relate, or even understand this post** Lately I have been feeling old. I am 32 and I feel like I am worlds apart from the teenagers today. While getting my skates sharpened the other day, I engaged in a conversation involving cosmetic surgery and the teenager helping me made a comment about Meghan Fox and how she looks amazing post-surgery. So, I said ‘what happens later on in life though, after the surgery goes wrong…