Halloween Candy Alternatives The Kids Will LOVE!

It’s true, Halloween candy remains the most popular choice for kids hands down. However, there are plenty of parents (like myself) who prefer for their children to get a variety of fun alternatives on October 31st. With the rise of allergies and food sensitives it is important to take into consideration the children who cannot consume candy and chocolates alone as a treat come Halloween night. Aside from the allergens, there is also the over consumption of chocolate and candy that parents indulge in too – I see you late…

2 Ingredient Peanut Butter Play-dough!

I’ve been making this playdough recipe for my kids ever since I can remember and it was always a hit when they were tiny. I mean, who doesn’t love playing with their food right? Yes, this should be reserved as a treat and for special days like today – it’s super rainy outside so I thought I would re-introduce it to them. Let me tell you, it is STILL a huge winner – even in a home with a 10 and 8 year old! Ingredients:  Peanut Butter (smooth works best)…