My husband and I like to think that we are creating a very open family when it comes to social issues in our home. We talk freely, discuss and make sure to keep the lines of communication open with our children – this sometimes comes at a cost. A lot of parents and family around us seem to think that sometimes a little less information is good for our children – but we beg to differ. So far, with honesty all we have seen is gratitude and tiny humans doing good things for the people around them. Quite frankly I like to think that our ‘open’ approach has lent them the understanding that the world around them is comprised of many different people with vastly diverse ideals and approaches to life in general. They are compassionate, and understanding, they are never intimidated and are always grateful for the life they have been given – so far at least
As parents, we have to teach our kids right from wrong, but it’s actually so much more than that. We have to teach them about cultural issues, politics, human rights, and dare I say it — sex. Sometimes, though, it’s difficult to find a way to casually bring those topics up into conversation with our kids. To be honest, a lot of the time it takes the subject being placed right in front of their eyes to actually understand it and want to learn about it.
Lately we have been watching the new reboot of One Day at a Time (now streaming on Netflix) and while a lot of the topics are very mature for my kids (8 and 10) we have managed to get through every episode with a family discussion to follow. The show is comical, realistic and right on track with what we believe is the world around us – a world our children will grow up in.
It’s time to bring back the shows that brought families together and start trend of family support and teachable moments that can help you broach tough topics with your own families – this show does just that.
We especially loved the episode where the topic of sexuality comes up, here’s a spoiler:
Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a world where diversity wasn’t an issue, and where people were just people? Let’s hope you and I are raising tiny individuals who will be accepting and free to be whoever they want to be. Now go on, sit down and watch One Day At A Time with your family…I know you’ll love it.