Tori Spelling’s recent announcement that she is pregnant for the 5th…count them…5th child has come as a shocker to most. Both Tori and Dean Mc Dermott have always stated that a lot of children were in their future. While she admits that it wasn’t planned, I have a feeling that in Hollywood most things are. I for one am not shocked at the fact that any celebrity has a lot of children, and why not right? I would have a bunch of children running around if I could afford them too.

Besides, the couple are no strangers to rearing children, they already have children, Liam 9, Stella 8, Hattie 5, and Finn 4! Dean is also a daddy to 18-year-old Jack from a previous marriage too.
But…there is always a BUT…
Here’s where my theory of celebrities having a bunch of kids actually rears untrue – it is reported that Spelling is actually in a lot of debt. In January she was sued by American Express for a reported 40,000 in unpaid bills! PLUS a hefty tax lein was slapped on them back in July too – But hey, at least they have each other right?
Guess not everything that appears rosy always smells good too. I have to admit though, I love watching them live it up with those kids – they seem happy and healthy without a care in the world, those parents are either great at hiding their stress or great at ignoring it.