Since Earth Day is fast approaching, what better way to get your children (and yourself) motivated to kick it into high gear then with movies and education?I love Netflix for the simple fact that movies and documentaries are categorized for viewers like myself. I am a strong believer of showing my kids real-life without sugar-coating our environment. I feel that if they see things first hand, I can have the opportunity to show and explain to them why things happen.
We have been watching some great Netflix titles, and it has opened up a wealth of knowledge for my children. I have even noticed that they have taken a huge interest in the environment and how we can help improve it.

One of our MOST favorite thing to do is go on nature walks — then bring home all of our findings and label, organize and create with them! Your kids will have a blast doing this, and mommy and daddy will get a little break too😉
Disclosure: I am participating in an ambassadorship with Netflix Canada and I have not received compensation for this post. All opinions are my own.